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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Satipanya Retreat Centre
The Retreat Dharma Talks page is intended primarily for those who have attended a retreat and requires a code to access all of a particular retreat's talks.

If you are using this page without a Retreat Code, you can access the public talks from a retreat by selecting the retreat through the pulldown menus below.

Public Access to Retreats Access public talks from a Satipanya Retreat Centre retreat:

If your require a retreat code for a retreat that you attended, please contact the meditation center where you attended the retreat. For example, Spirit Rock is reachable at, IMS Retreat Center is, IMS Forest Refuge is, Gaia House is
Public talks (above) are ones that have not been designated as "retreatants only." Teachers may choose this designation when the talk's subject or in some cases question-and-answer periods are appropriate only for those who attended the retreat. Or, it may be that the teacher has given another talk on the same or a similar subject that they feel better represents that teaching, especially for those hearing it outside the context of a particular retreat.

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